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Lip Fillers
Enhancement, Rejuvenation, Correction
What are they? - Lip fillers are an injectable gel-like material made of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in our skin, and it plays a major role in keeping skin hydrated and volumized.
What are they used for? - Lip fillers can be used in 3 ways depending on what is needed. These are Enhancement, Rejuvenation & Correction
Enhancement - Lip filler can be added to lips to enhance their natural beauty. Depending on the natural shape of the lips, the injector will decide which areas will benefit from different volumes of filler. This includes increasing volume in the upper and lower lip, enhancing the cupids bow, defining the vermillion border (where the lips meet the skin), and balancing the bottom and lower lip proportions.

Rejuvenation - at around the age of 25 our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin, the two proteins that work together to keep tissue firm and skin elastic, and the collagen that exists in the body begins to break down. Age-related volume loss is often most evident in the lips making them appear thin and wrinkled. Lip fillers can be used to restore the volume, improve the shape and smooth any wrinkles that have formed. This also has the added benefit of reducing the vertical lines above the top lip, often referred to as 'smoker's lines'.

Correction - Nobody's perfect! Everyone's face is asymmetrical to some degree and the lips are one of the areas where this can be most evident. It often presents itself as a lower cupid's bow on one side or a slanted appearance of the mouth at rest. These asymmetries can be corrected using dermal filler, harmonizing the lips and creating an overall more even, beautiful appearance.

One last thing to mention when it comes to lips fillers is safety. When the right product is injected by the right person, lip fillers are very low risk and can have beautiful results. However, if cheap filler is injected into the wrong place, using the wrong technique by an unqualified injector, the results can be disastrous.
At Norwich Aesthetics Clinic all of our consultations and procedures are carried out by Dr Ryan Taylor. Dr Ryan is a qualified doctor and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. He's passionate about giving his patients fantastic results and practicing in the safest way possible. He has been vocal about the dangerous, unregulated situation the aesthetics industry is currently in, but is confident that with a push from the medical community, unsafe, unregulated injectors will be stopped in the coming years.

If you would like to find out more about lip fillers or any of our other treatments, Dr Ryan offers a free video consultation to anyone wanting more information. During the consultation there will never be any pressure to book a treatment, it is purely an opportunity to speak to Dr Ryan, find out more information, and ask any questions you may have.
To request your free video consultation, simply click the button below.

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